After the lights were turned out and the blinds were closed, Un Chat de Paris, or A Cat in Paris was projected onto a smartboard in the French room.
“Movie days are always the best because so many people come,” Jordan Cronbaugh, ‘15 said.
French club is one of City’s smaller clubs, so the members were happy to see three more people than usual.
“[Three people] doesn’t sound like many, but that’s a lot for us,” Cronbaugh said.
Members enjoyed having other people present.
“In general I really like watching movies,” Tiphany Phan ‘15 said, “but it’s even more fun to be able to watch it with [your friends].”
Un Chat de Paris was the first cartoon the club has watched, which sets it apart from the other movies they watch throughout the year, which are often holiday themed.
“I liked that it was a cartoon about a cat.” Phan said.
Besides being entertained by the movie, members learned from it.
“[It helps you learn French] especially when there’s subtitles and you can see the English word and hear the French word.” Cronbaugh said.
Un Chat de Paris was a new change for the French club to start their year.