Bye Bye Bieber
January 30, 2014
Last week, as I casually scrolled through the pages of Reddit, an interesting link caught my eye: SIGN A PETITION TO GET BIEBER DEPORTED I chuckled and opened it, and burst out laughing when I realized it was an official petition. I signed it, and promptly forgot about it until I was again on Reddit, and clicked a link to the Washington Times, where I saw what I thought was impossible: it got enough signatures to get a presidential response.
Although only 100,000 signatures are required for a presidential response, in only six days the petition reached more than 158,000 signatures. It’s comforting to know that there 158,000 other Americans that have come to their senses and feel the same way about Bieber that I do: that he’s just another replaceable, conceited, spoiled popstar.
After the petition requesting Justin Bieber be deported, another petition was created to keep Bieber in the country, but according to the Washington Times, it only got about 2,000 signatures.
Oh, how I wish there were only 2,000 Bieber fans.
After Justin Bieber’s arrest for a DUI –Drunk driving is one of the worst things you could do, as it takes almost 30 lives each day. No one has an excuse to drink and drive, especially not Bieber — and a separate arrest for vandalism, the crazy fan girls are arising from the sewers to defend the 19 year old yet again. Some fans are simply spreading their opinion by the popular #FreeBieber Twitter trend, but many of Bieber’s fans are a bit melodramatic. I mean, the whole “Cut for Bieber” thing a few years ago? That was disturbing. Imagine what crazy thing they’re doing if he has to permanently spend the rest of his life in Canada (he fled the country after realizing he was obviously unwanted).
The thing I don’t understand most about the whole ordeal is how it started. I mean, how it really started. How does Justin Bieber even have fans? His music is catchy at best, but to me all I hear is autotuned, stereotypical pop music about wooing young girls. Every Bieber song I hear is about how he needs this girl, how this girl is his everything, how he’s going to fix this other girl… Yuck. There is life outside of romance, but if aliens landed and we could only communicate with them through Bieber’s hits, they would think our entire existence was just one middle school relationship.
Bieber is not only a lame popstar (I can’t even bring myself to call him a musician), but he’s also a very disrespectful person. Like when he wrote in the Anne Frank guest book that she “would have been a Belieber”, or when he said “rape is for a reason” during an interview in Rolling Stone a few years ago. Not to mention attacking photographers and really just being the worst celebrity in the limelight right now.
Hopefully Bieber will be forced to stay in Canada, because I’d like him to stay as far away from me as possible. Maybe this petition will help Bieber come to his senses, and he will realize that not only is he being a terrible person, but that he’s also endangering the lives of others just because he feels entitled.
Unfortunately, that’s the best case scenario. But, knowing Bieber, he will probably continue his ignorant and conceited ways, and I will just be annoyed by his presence until he eventually drinks himself to death or overdoses on heroin.