Oliver Cast List Announced
Oliver will be performed April 24th-26th.
Oliver! Cast List
Oliver Twist …………………………………. Andy Stewart
Artful Dodger………………………………… Addie Bass
Fagin……….…………………………………. Sam Rahn
Nancy………………………………………… Amy Ostrem
Bill Sykes……………………………………. Elijah Jones
Mr. Bumble…………………………………….Emmett Adamson
Widow Corney……..………………………… Elena Foster
Bet…………………………………………….. Amber Slater-Scott
Mr. Sowerberry………………………………. Jacob Walterhouse
Mrs. Sowerberry…………………………….. Genevieve Wisdom
Noah Claypole…………………………………Will Barker
Charlotte………………………………………. Julia Beasley
Mr. Brownlow…………………………………. Ellis Fontana
Dr. Grimwig……………………………………. Hank Welter
Mrs. Bedwin……………………………………. Isabel Cody
Fagin’s Gang
Cassidy Slater-Scott
Jilly Cooke
Nick Mendoza
Zack Kenyon
Arielle Soemadi
Carmen Gonzalez
Vince Green
Julius Perez
Thomazin Jury
Jacy Pugh
Featured Soloists in Who Will Buy? (also in Ensemble)
Rose Seller ………….. Elise Goodvin
Strawberry Seller……. Amber Webb
Milk Maid…………….. Emma Myers-Verhage
Knife Grinder………… Nysio Poulakos
Long Song Seller……. Isaac McNutt
Jake Kenyon
Jacob Potash
Sam English
Libby Fischer
Kaila Khanthaphengxay
Dylan Davenport
Jordan LaFauce
AJ Murdah
Maria Lin
Emily Kucera
Thank you to all of the talented actors who auditioned!
*** If you cannot commit to rehearsals, or if you wish to decline a role, contact Mr. Peters immediately.
peters.troy@iowacityschools.org or (563)889-0280
ALL CAST MEMBERS: You will need to begin clearing your schedule after school for the months of February, March, and April. You will need to attend rehearsals about four days a week for about two hours after school (depending on your role).
MONDAY, FEB. 10th from 3:30-6:00pm
in Mr. Peters’ room (#1510). Make sure you are there!
We will discuss rehearsal schedules, take wardrobe measurements, and do a read-through of the entire play. Young actors (9-13) will be released after 4:30.
Your donation will support the student journalists of Iowa City High School. For 2023, we are trying to update our video and photo studio, purchase new cameras and attend journalism conferences.