South East Students Raise Awareness About Modern Slavery

Britta Bergstrom, Reporter

The U.S. Department of State’s definition for modern day slavery is “all of the criminal conduct involved in forced labor and sex trafficking, essentially the conduct involved in reducing or holding someone in compelled service”.


At South East Junior High, Language Arts teacher, Sara Jones, assigned her students to read an article from UNICEF-USA. The article listed ways to get involved against child trafficking. Jones’ students were required to write an essay about modern slavery. Several of her students then decided to have a basketball tournament to raise awareness.


On Tuesday March 11th, students held the tournament, without much assistance from adults. The associate principal, Lonnie Behnke, set up the schedule, however students did most of the other work.


Students sent letters to businesses asking for raffle prizes, receiving a total of 20 donations. Many students brought in their own deserts for sale, others made flyers, each contributing their own way to the tournament.


Jones, who originally assigned the students to read the article that prompted all the interest, thinks this will happen again next year. “But it may become a student council event,” Jones said.


Jones estimated they raised $500, and she noted that all the money raised would be sent to UNICEF.


Many students also wondered how our society could let this continue. The BBC explains many reasons why slavery continues in today’s world. Slavery is an alternative to dying of starvation, many would rather work in harsh conditions than face the growing hole in their stomach. Population growth may be a factor, causing a larger demand for work.

Jones noticed many students that were more focused on the basketball aspect, but she hopes that students learned about slavery, and they would be able to pass the information onto other students.