Littlehawk Staff Win State Awards
Littlehawk staff from Left to Right: Top Row: Ellis Fontana, Cody Owen, Dominic Balestrieri-Fox, Anton Buri, Will Barker, Payton Evans, Will Braverman, Jonathan House, Jakob Hillebrand, Jonas Gerdees Bottom Row: Claire Noack, Jordan Cronbaugh, Sonali Durham, Sarah Smith, Nova Meurice, Caroline Brown, Riley Lewers, Elise Goodvin, Cora Bern-Klug
October 23, 2014
At the Iowa High School Press Association conference on October 23rd, The Little Hawk placed first in writing and graphics as well as a honorable mention for photography. In addition, Executive Editor, Anton Buri, and News Editor, Claire Noack both were chosen as two of the 10 emerging journalists in the state of Iowa.
The Littlehawk team will also be going to Washington D.C on November 25 as a Pacemaker Finalist.
“I feel like we had a strong year last year,” Buri ’15 said. “I feel glad to be a significant part of the Littlehawk.”