This season 4th Avenue Jazz Company is singing and dance towards a bigger prize than past seasons. They are aiming to help solve an issue facing 1/8th of the worlds population, water contamination.
“I feel like we are doing something we like and helping people at the same time which is really exciting” said Becca Meyers ’15
The Thirst Project was founded by several college kids who wanted do something to help with the global crisis of water contamination. They bought bottles of water and started handing them out to raise awareness. They thought that they were done but soon people started coming to them to learn more about the global water crisis, prompting them to start The Thirst Project.
“Here we take clean water for granted, but that’s not true in a lot of places,” said Andrea Flack ‘16. “ We just turn on a tap, there is no effort involved.”
The songs that 4th Ave is performing all have a central theme water. Such as Cry Me A River, Soaking Wet, and River Melody.
“Show choir helps us come together as a community,” Flack said said ’16. ” So it’s really cool to be helping other communities in the process.”
On October 29th everyone in 4th ave is caring water bottles, filled with dirty water. When asked they tell people about The Thirst Project, raising awareness. On October 30th they wrote statistics in calk promoting The Thirst Project’s #calkabout it. On November 5th members of 4th Ave, combo, and crew wore their shirts that promote The Thirst Project and 4th Ave.
“It’s really cool to be doing something that impacts the world,” said Libby Fischer ’15.