Large Group Speech advances to state
January 28, 2015
Last weekend, the following speech groups earned a division 1 ranking and advanced to state which will be held on February 7th.
10/14 groups advancing to state:
Ensemble Acting – Death Knocks: Tristan Roeder and Donald Hill
Choral Reading – Perseus: AJ Boulund, Cassidy Slater-Scott, Claire Woodward, Ellis Fontana, Emma Hartwig, Grace Hartwig, Hannah Murray, Jonas Geerdes, Julieta Rangel, Kaila Khanthaphengxay, Keaton Scandrett, Lizzie Carrell, Savannah Haneline, Sofie Lie, and Yara Moustafa
Ensemble Acting – Nine Ten: AJ Boulund, Cassidy Slater-Scott, Jonas Geerdes, Keegan O’Berry, Madeline Deninger, and Michelle Jennings
Group Improv: Abby Dickson, Nysio Poulakos, and Deckard Finley
Radio Broadcast – JUST: Aldo Carbajal, Davey Aranda, DeVari Young, Josh Edwards, Otis Dawson, Robert Walker, and Sofia Oyarzun
Ensemble Acting – The Scary Question: Jared Kilberger and Genevieve Wisdom
Musical Theatre – Into the Woods: Addie Bass, Emma Meyers-Verhage, Genevieve Wisdom, Nysio Poulakos
Group Improv: Jared Kilberger and Sophia Schlesinger
Readers’ Theatre – The Crucible: Rebekah Tate, Jim Geerdes, Jordan Lehigh, Tristan Roeder, Abby Patterson, Yara
Moustafa, Olivia Zahner, Jilly Cooke, Sasha Chapnick-Sorokin, Ellen Fields, and Estie Dillard
Group Improv: Will Barker, Addie Bass, and Ellis Fontana