Bernie Sanders leads town meeting in Cedar Rapids
Senator Sanders speaks at Coe College.
September 5, 2015
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders visited Coe College on Friday to lead a town meeting which drew a crowd of more than 2,000. The event, which was originally scheduled to be held inside of Coe’s Sinclair Auditorium, was moved outside due to a larger turnout than expected.
“I have been running all around the country talking about income and inequality, talking about greed, talking about the destruction of the middle class,” the Vermont Senator began.
In the hour long address, Sanders reaffirmed his stances on climate change, health care, education and taxes. He also went on to explain the difference between his campaign and the campaigns of other candidates–the refusal of super PAC support.
“I don’t represent corporate America’s agenda,” Sanders said. “I don’t represent the interest of billionaires, I don’t want their money.”
The campaign has swept through Iowa multiple times since Sanders announced his candidacy in late April, and a recent Des Moines Register Poll shows Sanders trailing a mere seven percent behind democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.
“We can create a nation where everyone, no matter their race, their religion, their disability or their sexual orientation can realize the full promise of equality that is the birthright of Americans,” Sanders concluded before greeting supporters.
Sanders’ three day trip to Iowa, which including picketing next to working class families in Cedar Rapids, ended earlier today.