Best Buddies Shares New Director

Shanice Johnson, Reporter

The halls of our school has been filled with new students every year. This year not just students, but new teachers as well. Specifically, Laura Schwab, she’s the new adviser for the Best Buddies group.

In the past, Tom Braverman has helped achieve in his time at City. Now, new teacher means new set of ideas, events and goals for this upcoming year for Best Buddies.

Schwab gives a thorough response on what she thinks is important.

“I’ve currently worked at City High for a week,” she said. “But, it’s my fourth year teaching,” she continued.

Ms. Schwab wants to create a very safe and comfortable environment for her students. Her classroom(1407) did feel very relaxing to be in.

“I love my students already, but I think it will evolve from the first day to the end of the year,” she said.

Best Buddies has a wide variety of events and activities scheduled, but there are a few that Schwab is most excited about.

“I’m really excited for our first Apple Orchard and the Match Party,” she said.

If there’s ever a time which meeting new people and attending great events, it’s a good idea to join the Best Buddies.