The Imbalance

We use the anger and put it into energy to fuel us and others to educate one another.

Shanice Johnson, Reporter

Racial profiling is the assumption that people of a certain race or ethnic background are more likely to commit certain crimes.”

In the United States and among other countries, racism is still a very large issue and it’s brushed under the rug. Derogatory terms are still spoken with hatred, and there’s still a difference how people of color are still treated differently than non-poc.

POC: person/people of color is commonly used in the U.S to describe people who aren’t white. It’s different than the term, “colored” because that was used for African-Americans only.

While African Americans are constantly speaking about what is happening to them, some White Americans say, “you’re exaggerating…stop making everything about race etc.” That puts the specific population into a dilemma of not having the option of freely speaking their mind.

It is important for people to branch out and speak in their communities about this devastating setting. There is a huge difference of how poc and non-poc are treated which is called: white privilege. For example, African Americans are 2 times as likely to be arrested and 4 times as likely to experience the force of the police than White Americans.

Millennial(1980s) are more respectful when it comes to their opinions about race. Generation X(1965-70s) and Baby Boomers are the majority that have a more ignorant view about African Americans. The different generations took a test of what they think about African Americans, Baby Boomers/Generation X (majority) said that African Americans are, “lazy, and uncivilized.”

The social and media aspects aren’t helping because it spreads out scornful views of African Americans. The people are following the negative contributions which cycles into generalizations.

Which comes to the “Black Lives Matter” movement. The Black Lives Matter movement began in July 2013 because of what has happened to Trayvon Martin who was murdered by George Zimmerman in 2012. It’s a campaign of anti-police brutality and simply what’s happening to African Americans. The movement was co-founded by four black activists: Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometi and Crystal Rose. The movement has been provided more light because of the recent murders of last year and currently this year. There’s a controversy of whether the movement ignores about other races; which wasn’t the purpose. The reason was to show people what has happened to African Americans as a group of people.

Many activists in the past have done their part to make a more just environment for future generations. Different groups of people are just now seeing that the huge epidemic hasn’t resolved like it should’ve been. If you really think about it, the 60s was only 55 years ago and in between those years, racism hasn’t been diminished. People should think about how far we’ve come and what work still needs to be done.

Younger generations can be a great influence if they don’t succumb to the harsh words of others and use that fuel to teach each other how to help the populace into being “Land of the Free and Equality for All”