What I Think About Bernie Sanders
Senator Sanders speaks at Coe College.
January 19, 2016
I may be the only one in existence with this opinion, but I do NOT like Bernie Sanders. Want to know why? Well I’ll tell you.
For starters, he wants to raise minimum wage to unsustainable levels. Higher minimum wages reduces the number of those employed at minimum wage and increases the cost to customers, not to mention driving up the already rising inflation rates. Minimum wage jobs are not actually as common as one might think. They only make up about 4.3% of hourly workers in the nation, nearly half are under the age of 25, and half of those are teenagers.
Also, he wants to spend even more money to lower the deficit. His solution to reducing the $18 trillion debt is not to lower spending, but to increase it. Specifically his idea is to spend another trillion dollars on roads and infrastructure.His idea is that this would create jobs in those industries. What he does not understand, as many socialists don’t, is that government jobs don’t create wealth for a country. Government is an overhead cost of society, wealth creation happens in the private sector and any money the government has must come out of the private sector in some way or form.
He also believes that college, or higher education, is a right. This may sound good on the surface, but higher education costs a lot of money. His solution, like many others who have similar politics, is to just throw taxpayer dollars at it and hope that it fixes it. He wants to let everybody in the country have two years of free college education at the expense of the government. In other words, his idea is to turn colleges into the same type of educational wonderland that our K-12 schools are now. Like that is working out so well. Once again, this is an issue best dealt with at the state and local level, a concept that seems to eludes Sanders almost always.
However, he is not the worst candidate in the field. But who knows, perhaps our country will actually improve for once.