International Transgender Day of Visibility
Genderfluid student Ileana Knapp (left) and ftm* student Michael {Robin} Menietti (right ). *Female to male
April 1, 2016
March 31st marked International Transgender Day of Visibility. Started in 2009, this holiday is intended to be a way to raise awareness for the discrimination of transgender people worldwide.
The idea started with the Michigan-based trans rights activist, Rachel Crandall. She created it as a response to her frustration that the only well known transgender holiday was Trans Day of Remembrance which mourns the loss of trans youth who have committed suicide or died as a result of hate crimes.
To celebrate, many post selfies along with their story of coming out and or their transition. This holiday’s main purpose is to bring awareness to the success and accomplishments of transgender individuals, not just the injustice and discrimination they face. It serves as a day of empowerment and recognition.
“I like (the day), it should be more widely known.” said Charlie Escorcia, ’17.