Getting Back Into the Swing of Things
Last Saturday, the girls’ tennis team defeated Waterloo East and Waterloo West 9-0, tying the season record at 2-2.
Bihotza James-Lejarcegui ’18 reacts to her backhand shot
Results: Waterloo East
Singles: (1) Gianola 10-0 (2) James-Lejarcegui 10-0 (3) Wagner 10-0 (4) Prybil 10-0 (5) teDuits 10-0 (6) Brands 10-0
Doubles: (1) Wagner/Prybil 10-0 (2) teDuits/Brands 10-1 (3) Herting/Bentler 10-1
Results: Waterloo West
Singles: (1) Hicsasmaz 10-0 (2) Gianola 10-1 (3) James-Lejarcegui 10-1 (4) Wagner 10-0 (5) Prybil 10-0 (6) teDuits 10-0
Doubles: (1) Gianola/James-Lejarcegui 10-2 (2) Hicsasmaz/Wagner 10-0 (3) teDuits/Brands 10-0
First win of the season this morning! Hawks defeated Waterloo East 9-0. Waterloo West in the afternoon
— City Girls’ Tennis (@CityGirlsTennis) April 16, 2016
2nd win of today’s doubleheader.
City wins over Waterloo West 9-0.
Brings season record to 2-2.— City Girls’ Tennis (@CityGirlsTennis) April 16, 2016
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On a scale from Mr. Darcy to Orlando Bloom, I am a spitting image of Mr. Bloom as Will Turner in Pirates of the Caribbean 1, 2, and 3. Particularly the...