Teacher Appreciation Week: Mrs. Koepnick

May 6, 2016

Mrs. Koepnick is a biology teacher at City High. I have had the greatest pleasure of having her as my teacher this year and she has definitely made an impact in my life. In most classes, I would rather sit in the back of the class. I’m personally not that fond of being in the front of the classroom, but in Mrs. Koepnick’s class I always want to be in front. She’s always full of energy and never lacks enthusiasm. I always feel so welcomed whenever I walk into her room and she is also happy to see you. Mrs. Koepnick has made me really see science in a different way and I look forward to class everyday.

Every morning she greets the class with “Good morning first hour,” and cheerfully begins the days lesson over dissecting fetal pigs and hearts. Whether it’s her strong and independent personality or her cheesy science jokes, she always seems to brighten my day, especially in the morning when I’m cranky.

I appreciate Mrs. Koepnick because she’s so passionate about her job. She understands her students and makes sure no one falls behind. Even if the topic she’s teaching is boring she does her best to not make it so boring. Thank you so much for being such an awesome teacher.

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