Why I Write: Mina Takahashi

Reporter Mina Takahashi writes a column for the National Day of Writing Campaign: #WhyIWrite

Mina Takahashi, Reporter

When I was seven years old, I decided I wanted to be a writer.

It was my first dream job. Seriously, I didn’t even go through the stereotypical “I want to be a princess” phase. I enjoy writing because of the ability words have to transform and create other worlds. It’s amazing how reading a story can make someone lose themselves so deeply that they forget there’s a world around them. I love how people can become so invested in a single character’s story. I write because stories inspire me to think more creatively. Transferring words from my head to a piece of paper allows me to escape, emptying my mind and finding clarity. When I write, I am able to create complex characters who do things I have only dreamed of, to live the story I am telling. For me, writing is not about others recognizing and reading my work. Instead, it is a way to express myself creatively and put my ideas out into the world. I write to capture every moment and emotion, good or bad. There are many reasons why I love writing, ultimately, I write because I can’t imagine not writing.