Logan: Wolverine’s Last Movie

Michael Menietti, Reporter

Wolverine, Weapon X, James Logan, Jimmy, Logan,  Kuzuri, Gaijin, and James Howlett. Whatever name you know him by, this is a movie all about him as an old man.

Earlier today, the trailer for the movie titled ‘Logan’ was released. As some of you may not know, this is Hugh Jackman’s final movie in the iconic role of Wolverine. If you grew up watching the X-Men movies like I did, this is an emotional time. Jackman has been playing this role since the release of ‘X-Men’ in 2000- so he has been playing this role for almost seventeen years. It was also his first American film role.

The plot for this movie has, for the most part, been released. It is set in the future where Logan and Professor X must cope with the loss of the X-Men when a corporation lead by Nathaniel Essex is bent on destroying the world. With Logan’s healing ability slowly fading away, and Xavier’s progressing Alzheimers making him forget, Logan needs to defeat Nathaniel with the help of a young girl named Laura Kinney- who is the female clone of Wolverine.

Contrary to what is apparently a popular opinion, I loved ALL of the X-Men films- even X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Growing up, I watched all the  movies, the cartoons, and even would beg my older brother to play his X-Men video game (still upset that he got rid of that). Whether you like Hugh Jackman or not, this movie looks amazing- and I am confident that it will live up to my expectations.