Q&A With Dancer Keyshawn Trice

Dancer Keyshawn Trice ’18 moves to the beat of his own drum as he dominates the dance challenge scene at City High.

Rasmus Schlutter, A&E Editor

Have you been dancing your whole life or was there a specific year when you began?

“2 years ago, I believe, I started dressing up as Superman, and cranking that ‘Soulja Boy’. I just remember ever since then I’ve had the full costume and I started dancing. I don’t take any classes or anything, it’s just natural. I just watch the dance on the internet, and I do it. And I show it to everyone else.”

Do you generally dance with your friends or by yourself?

“I do it by myself and I sometimes do it with friends. I like to spread it around with other people so everyone can learn and everyone can copy. I just love putting smiles on everyone’s faces, teaching everybody.”

What kinds of dance do you most enjoy?

“I’ve been trying to make up a dance. It’s kind of hard, every month there’s some new dance moves and I got to learn it. I usually do challenges. I do a couple of songs. My favorite rapper is Drake and I like to dance to some Drake music.”

What are you favorite dance moves to do?

“Named moves, my favorite move is called the ‘Hit Dem Folks’. That’s when everyone throws their arms out and then put their arm up in the air. I love doing that dance move. There’s so much energy coming from it.”

You made some recordings of yourself dancing. Have you posted or published any of them online?

“I usually post them on Instagram. I try to get the attention of the person who created it, but if not I just keep dancing. That’s what makes me and a lot of people happy. I’ll post on Facebook, post it on Instagram, every now and then. My Instagram is where you can find some of my dance videos.”

When you’re dancing, what are you feeling, what are you thinking?

“When I’m dancing, I’m here on Earth, but with my headphones in, it’s like I’m in a whole new world. I just picture myself dancing and being happy and I realize whenever I got my headphones in I’m the happiest kid ever. Nothing can get to me when I’m dancing. I dance so I can stay happy and be positive to myself and the people around me.

How would you like to continue your dancing?

“I’m going to keep dancing. I’ve never really thought of doing it as a career. I’ve thought a lot about being an actor because I love acting. Other than that, I might want to be a teacher. Dancing might come along that way.”

Who do you dance with or produce your videos with?

“I think it’s kind of funny, the person who cuts my hair has seen my dancing, and he has this cameraman and everything, and he dances the same way I dance and my older brother Manny, and we all got in a group together so we can try and go viral.”

How do you learn about these dance moves?

“Mostly people I watch online. There’s not too many people in Iowa dancing.”

Why do you dance?

“Dancing makes me feel like I can be happy and be myself. I feel like dancing is the number one thing that everyone loves. I feel like if everyone can do that the can see their true selves and see how happy they can really be… Once you’ve got that, you may never want to stop dancing again. I’ve tried to find my life- my happiness in music and dance, and I really believe other people can also.”