Upcoming Student Senate Listening Post

Henry Mildenstein, Reporter

Teagan Roeder ran his campaign for school president on improving the communication between Student Senate and the students. He created the idea for a listening post at City High, he ran on this and eventually won the election.

“The idea of these meetings is to have open time for students to comment on what they want, what their concerns are, and be a representative body,” Roeder said. “Having an organized time for people to talk, give Student Senate ideas and bring up student concerns is important for our school. I am hoping to hold two of these listening posts a trimester.”

Roeder says that this first trimester they are only able to hold one as Student Senate was overwhelmed with homecoming preparations earlier in the year. The first meeting will be Friday, October 13th in the Little Theatre. Advisory passes to attend can be obtained from Mr. Tygrett in room 3311.

Roeder also stressed how important it is that students tell him their concerns and ideas.

“When I go to the school board meeting I am representing you,” said Roeder. “And if I don’t know what the students are concerned about I can’t perform my presidential duties.”