Student Senate Recap: Constitutional Convention Edition
Invested in the workings of City High’s very own bureaucracy? You’ve come to the right place.
January 24, 2018
The Student Senate meeting on Wednesday, January 24 focused on the Constitution revision, and began with a debate over the attendance quota necessary for running for school office.
There were several proposals concerning this issue, including alterations of attendance necessary to half of all meetings, a special requirement that students must attend two-thirds of meetings for the remainder of the 2017-18 school year, and the separation of the offices and election methods of the student body president and the Senate president. In the latter option, the student body president would be elected by the junior class, whereas the Senate president would be elected by the Senate itself, and their duties would be split.
Then followed testimony from junior class representative Maya Durham ’19, who asserted that the best method of guaranteeing dedication would be to require that students attend two-thirds of meetings in the remainder of the 2017-18 school year and in following years requiring them to attend one-third of meetings.
“There are definitely external factors that have to be considered,” Durham said. “There’s no perfect solution.”
The Senate eventually voted to determine that the most beneficial—and simplest—option for it, as well as the student body as a whole, was to mandate attendance of one-third of meetings. The two-thirds requirement for the 2017-18 school year only applies if students have not previously attended Student Senate meetings. If they have attended before, the requirement is only one-third. This would mean that members would need to attend nine meetings total of the 2017-18 school year.
The election, which is now scheduled for May 11, will be preceded by a roughly three-week election period. Exact dates for this period have not yet been specified.
After this discussion, Secretary Bihotza James-Lejarcegui ’18 presented on a self-defense class to take place at City High in February.
The Senate determined that the prom theme must be selected by the beginning of February, so theme proposals will be presented next meeting, which will take place Wednesday, January 31.
The Senate meets every Wednesday morning in room 3311 at 8:15 am. To learn more, contact Mr. Tygrett, the primary faculty advisor, or attend meetings, which are open to all students.