Film Fest Update: Hosts Chosen, Submissions Due

The art club watched as City students showcased their talents in the Little Theatre on an unusually cold April afternoon, hoping to be the 2018 City High Film Fest host. Many students auditioned with prepared monologues and sporadically improvised with a single prompt on April 3rd. Afterwards the art club members discussed who they wanted to host the City High tradition that year.

At the next Art Club meeting, on the following Tuesday, the club officially decided who they wanted to introduce the films and winners. The two hosts that the Art Club members chose are Eric Thomas ’18 and Mags Chavez ’19.

“I feel like they both bring a good goofball presence to the whole thing,” Dan Peterson said. “I think it will be a light-hearted, fun affair.”

The auditions consisted of a memorized monologue, improv, a video explaining why they should be that year’s host, and their favorite quote.

“I feel like [the tryouts] went very well. I was impressed, not only with the performances of the candidates, but with Art Club’s participation as well,” said Dan Peterson.

Art club hasn’t held any tryouts for the Film Fest host like these as long as the current art teachers have worked at City.

The deadline for 2018 Film Fest submissions is approaching fast. Students who want to enter submissions must email their videos to Michael Close by Friday, April 27th.

Films should be rated PG-13 (no sexual profanity and limited cursing) and less than 20 minutes in length. The boundary of this constriction can be discussed with Close if necessary.

“We currently have one submission with the promises of at least five more,” Michael Close said. “Normally we get submissions on the due date so I’m not too concerned yet, but it would be great if people finished up movies and got them turned in so I don’t have a nervous breakdown.”

Film Fest itself is the following Friday, May 4th.

“May the Fourth be with you,” Close said. “I think Spock said that.”