Lottie Gidal

Meet Addy Smith

What kind of editor are you?

Sports editor

What year in school are you?


And what year are you in News Lab?

My second full one but I did it a trimester my junior year.

What made you want to be a part of News Lab?

To be honest the first thing that fascinated me was to be more involved at City High and I have always had extreme school pride and so I think the newspaper for me is my way of exemplifying that and giving myself a platform for that. As I have continued as a journalist I‘ve really enjoyed highlighting other people’s passions and so one of my favorite things to do is write sports features about unique sports that no one hears about or people that don’t often get the stage or the spotlight but are doing really important things in their own community.

What is the hardest part of your job as an editor?

Deadline week, it’s very hectic but it’s slowly been getting better.

Imagine the school gets cancelled for a day, what is your ideal way to spend that day?

Make some creme brulee and I’d go for either a hike or a bike ride. Watch tv, maybe some romantic comedies.

What are some social problems you’re really passionate about and why?

There’s a big fat long list but I think at the core of it has been mass incarceration and healthcare for all, I think especially healthcare for all is something that I’m interested in pursuing as a career, in interested in global health and public health and health equities. I think that health care is crucial to life and quality of life so I think that with capitalism we have industries that are surviving off of those who are suffering and those who are in poverty and I have a huge problem with corporations placing profit over people I think that is the root of our societies issues but I don’t think healthcare should be in the midst of that because it’s a right not a privilege.

What are some things that people do that really make you mad?

Stereotyping because I think it’s just human nature to put people in boxes, for me that’s something that’s really infuriating. There is always for to someone than what you might initially think, we do that to often.

If you had any superpower, what would it be and why?

Reading minds or becoming invisible, I just think they would be so useful. For me it seems that I’m a lot of times the observer and sit back observe people, I like to people watch. So I think going invisible would be really useful because I could do that and nobody would know.

Where would you travel and why?

I’ve always said Denmark but now I’ve been there so I can’t say that anymore. I’m really big into forests and mountains that’s kind of my biome, so I think somewhere in South America, maybe the Amazon Rainforest.

What are important people or just anyone you look up to?

Tom Mittman, I really admire him and I’ve known him for 4 years now and I’m really thankful I got to know him in the City High community.

When did you start writing. Do you do it as a hobby?

Not like Mira, I kind of just write when I have to. I wish I could write more.

If you could live in another time period when would it be and why?

The 60’s and 70’s, I know there was a lot of social unrest but some of my favorite music is from that era. I would just love to meet the influential people and historical people from that time, such as Nina Simone. People who incorporated some of their personal beliefs through different platforms such as music.

If you only have 48 hours to live, what would you do?

I’d pull some Robin Hood thing, rob a whole bunch of money from the Koch Brothers and then put it in a charity real quick.

If you could change one thing the world, what would it be and why?

Longer weekend for workers, danish hygge (pronounced hooga), it’s a danish belief that you focus on yourself and mental health. Take some time to relax and focus on you and what you need to get done.

If you could switch places with anyone or anything, what would it be?

I would love to have Adele’s voice even for just a day, so Adele’s voice.

Where were you born?

Omaha, Nebraska for almost a year. I moved once but it was up the street.

Are you in any extracurriculars?

Yes, show choir, cross country for two years and track for four, ambassadors for two years, I started recycling club up this year with Lottie, Naomi and Rachel, and interact club.

How do you balance this with being an editor and a student?

This year and last year have been huge years of time management and the thing with that is focusing on one thing at a time because if I focus on my entire to do list at once I get very overwhelmed and I don’t get anything done.

When in your life have you been most proud of being you?

I think whenever I go to other places and having that sense of pride of being Iowan. I feel most me on the show choir stage, I’ve done it technically since 7th grade.

How about life in the newsroom?

You won’t be able to know until you join, so join.

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