Student Senate Recap: Varying Degrees of Closure
Invested in the workings of City High’s very own bureaucracy? You’ve come to the right place.
May 2, 2018
The Student Senate meeting on Wednesday, May 2 began with President Teagan Roeder announcing that senior Executive Board members will be giving farewell speeches next meeting on Wednesday, May 9.
Christine Lewers, the prom faculty adviser announced that ticket sales will be continuing during lunch and after school for the rest of the week in the cafeteria. Lewers also discussed Party After Prom and the door prizes.
“I also have pictures of the prizes,” Lewers said. “There’s $5,000 worth of prizes they’re giving out.”
Xeniphilius Tyne ’20 discussed the edits made to the Homecoming Court survey.
“The goal is for all students, regardless of gender identity, whether they be transgender, gender nonconforming, or students that identify with their birth sex, to feel accepted and have a place in the [H]omecoming [C]ourt,” the survey read. It then presented options for voting to students.
“This is not binding. It is an interest survey,” Faculty Adviser Steve Tygrett said. “All students will be taking this on Friday during Advisory.”
Junior Class Representative Maya Durham ’19 suggested that the winter formal be held December 1, 2018. The Senate held a vote and the date passed by simple majority.
The Senate then moved on to discussing the Senior Picnic. Chip Hardesty gave the Senate an update on the menu for the event.
“We’ll be using Hy-Vee, except that we’ll be limiting, somewhat, the menu,” Hardesty said. “There’ll be some savings.”
Olivia Baird ’19 suggested that candidates for president and vice president advertise for their campaigns on the TV screens around the school.
The Senate meets every Wednesday morning in room 3311 at 8:15 am. To learn more, contact Steve Tygrett, the primary faculty adviser, or attend meetings, which are open to all students.