Student Senate Recap: Scott Jesperson Presents on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebrations
Invested in the workings of City High’s very own bureaucracy? You’ve come to the right place.
November 14, 2018
The student senate meeting on Wednesday, November 14 began with reports from committees. Rachael Volkman ’19 passed around a sign-up sheet for the can drive, which will take place from November 17 to December 2 at City High.
“You can come to the can drive at the 1st Ave and Coralville strip Hy-Vees [as well],” Yardley Whaylen ’20 said. At these locations, the student senate will be collecting cans and money on November 17 and 18, as well as December 1 and 2.
The senate discussed releasing application forms for club grants to the main office for clubs to access.
“[The form] basically asks…how much money you need, what the club’s goal or purpose is, and what you would use the money for,” Volkman said.
Jostens, the company that provides the school with attire and merchandise for graduation, prices its items in a way that the senate looks to remedy. President Lottie Gidal ’19 talked to the school
“The school board just nodded and smiled,” Lottie Gidal ’19, student senate president, said.
Scott Jesperson, City High assistant principal, visited the senate to talk about the planned celebrations for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in February 2019. There will be no regularly scheduled classes on the Friday before the holiday; instead, Jesperson talked about events, activities, and sessions dealing with diversity, spirit, and unity.
“Recently Mr. Bacon threw down a challenge to some of us to look to the future. One thing I suggested is that maybe we take Martin Luther King Day and…celebrate the diversity of our school,” Jesperson said. “[We can] make it a day about learning. The plan is to take the Friday before Martin Luther King Day and we are inviting teachers to propose different events, field trips, [and] speakers. We want to look at someĀ of the things [Martin Luther King, Jr.] proposed in his [“I Have a Dream”] speech. We have a lot of good ideas but we could have more, and that’s why I’m laying it out for you.”
The senate broke into committees.
The student senate meets every Wednesday at 8:15 am. To learn more, attend meetings, which are open to all students, or contact Steve Tygrett, the primary faculty adviser.