January Cultured Corner
The Cultured Corner is a column on pop culture where we bring you the news that students are talking about, from the students themselves, in their own words.
The Cultured Corner is a column on pop culture where we bring you the news that students are talking about, from the students themselves, in their own words.
January 28, 2019
On Meek Mill’s comments about lace fronts | I heard that Meek Mill said he was tired of girls wearing lace-front [wig]s. He can clearly see the lace and that is clearly not a look. Basically, he’s just had a bad experience with girls and seeing all the lace. I don’t think that [lace fronts are] all that. I personally can’t say that I’ve seen a good lace front, but he’s messing around with people with money. I’m sure there are some good lace fronts out there, but I haven’t witnessed it. I don’t think it’s a big deal that he made a comment on it, because girls always say, ‘Oh, I like guys who have their hairs like this. Don’t come near me if your dreads aren’t twisted right or if your hairline is not right.’ I feel like girls comment on stuff like that too, so it’s not that big of a deal. It’s just hair.
Saye Traore ‘20 |
On the Government shutdown and Donald Trump serving hamburgers to the Clemson Football team |
Pretty much, Trump is asking for a lot of money to build something big that’s probably not going to make a huge difference or [be] something that the country really needs. I think it’s a little ridiculous from the president. Also, because of the government shut down, Clemson went to the White House and [the president] gave them a thousand hamburgers. He specifically said he paid for all the hamburgers.
Riley Moore ‘19 |
On Kevin Hart’s old tweets | From my understanding, Kevin Hart tweeted some homophobic things from the past and he has acknowledged that but people keep bringing it back [up]. I don’t really get it because humor back then was a little bit more expansive. So I understand that he tweeted something with the intentions of being funny, not really homophobic, but even if he was like that in the past he has grown. I understand why he would apologize for it because right now it’s interpreted as something horrible, but back then it wasn’t seen as that.
Shiely Pontaza ‘20 |