BREAKING: City High Cracks Down on Illegal Parking
An illegally parked Prius in the upper lot. Administration announced that illegally parked cars would start to be towed.
February 26, 2019
With giant mounds of snow, and ice cold weather, students have resulted to participate in an abundance of illegal parking, some being in the teachers lot. In response, administration has announced illegally parked cars will be towed.
“Stay out of the the teacher’s lot or we will tow your car,” Scott Jespersen, assistant principal, said.
Students continuously illegally parking to due the lack of parking spaces and long walk from the lower lot.
When asked about City’s parking situation, Jespersen responded that students had a point, and that “He’s working on it.”
Noah Bullwinkle ’20, a junior at City High is frustrated with parking.
“I don’t want to walk up from the lower lot because a freshman took a spot that supposed to be reserved for upperclassmen, the renovations next year will be taking away the ‘Jock Lot’ spots, not adding.”
The future of parking at City is uncertain with the new construction starting.
“People won’t want to walk up from the cold, and no one wants to show up early for school just to get a decent spot,” Bullwinkle ’20 said.
bella pittman • Feb 27, 2019 at 9:45 pm
Here’s my input – as a fellow little hawk I remember the good ole days where I was one of the daily illegal parkers.
Please tell jesperson that an option that City high could put in place is different sticker tags for cars. FOR example freshman’s get yellow sophomores get green juniors get blue and seniors get red. THIS WAY when someone parks in the upper lot, they can tell what class a car belongs to – and if people don’t have stickers on their car they are subject to tow that day (lesson learned for them not to do it again) this way everyone will be convinced to get a sticker including upperclassmen because they want to prove they belong in that spot. Of course, they will have to update their sticker every year but it helps know which cars are belongs to who – you could even do stickers for teachers – let’s see if they’re parking in the student spots!!! If a freshman/sophomore is parked up top they are subject to tow. They know the rules, stick to them.
Also in the future if this goes through – the little hawk could do a story over who is really driving cars to school. I mean it’s only somewhat interesting but someone could go around to every car record the sticker color and see which class has the most stickers and then write a story about it, idk kinda dumb but it would be cool to prove a point (make an argument) on why upperclassmen need seniority because they have more cars (I would assume) OK JUST A THOUGHT MISS U ALL