Jonathan Roger
A view through one of the library's entrances.
As a part of events in the City High library, every once in awhile donors and the librarians arrange for an author to visit. This year it’s the new author, Justin A. Reynolds.
“We met Justin A. Reynolds, the author of the Opposite of Always, at a book event at Barnes & Noble last year, and we got him to agree to come,” teacher librarian Daphne Foreman said. “He’s this year’s author so we’re ordering a lot more of his book.”
The Opposite of Always is Reynolds’s debut novel. There will be copies of the book coming into the library as the date is finalized and comes closer. He is scheduled to come sometime in February of 2020 at the moment. If students want to find more information about the author or his novel, they can go to justinareynolds.com.