Student Senate Recap: Discussion of City’s Environmental Impact
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January 6, 2020
The last student senate meeting before winter break started off with two women from Americorps who came to speak about reducing the carbon footprint within the ICCSD and how student senate can help. The two discussed ways in which data has been collected here at the ICCSD and various initiatives taking place in order to reduce the environmental impact City High has.
Members of the student senate then went on to discuss environmental problems at City High, discussing adding bike racks as well as covering them, adding new carpool spots in the parking lot, adding trash cans in the parking lot to address litter, and switching to reusable silverware in the lunchroom. This year, discussion about the environment has been brought up in student senate with the addition of an environmental committee.
There was further discussion about recycling, which was a program heavily
spearheaded by former student body president and vice president Lottie Gidal ‘19 and Naomi Meurice ‘19.
“The special education program is truly the boots on the ground group here when it comes to recycling,” Marshall “Chip” Hardesty, a faculty sponsor of student senate, said. The special education program picks up recycling at City High on Thursdays.
After the discussion about the environmental impact City High has, Steve Tygrett, another faculty sponsor, announced that the senate had raised almost $1,800 and 800 pounds of cans in its annual can drive to donate to the Crisis Center.
“You’re going to help out a lot of families over this holiday period, so thank you,” Tygrett said to the senate.
Next, the senate further discussed committee notes, such as the winter formal, which will be held on February 15. There was discussion about a collaboration with Interact club and their Match-o-Matics fundraiser in the spring, with a potential “ask your match” concept.
Lastly, group policy was discussed in reference to the student senate group chat in order to prevent unnecessary comments within the chat unrelated to senate duties.
“We don’t always have to be wearing black hoods and be really somber; we can have fun,” Mira Bohannan Kumar ‘20, student body president, said. She discouraged inappropriate discussions on the group chat, which includes faculty sponsors, while still encouraging fun within the senate.
Student senate meetings are open to anyone every Wednesday morning in Mrs. Gibbens’ room at 8:15 am.