Cast List for Matilda Announced

Opstad Auditorium's seats will remain empty this fall due to COVID-19.

Sophia Wagner

Opstad Auditorium’s seats will remain empty this fall due to COVID-19.

Sophia Wagner, Reporter

The cast list of this year’s musical, Matilda, came out on Sunday the second. 

Now, after the audition practice is over, students become settled in their roles. Key members of this year’s musical include Francesca Brown ‘21 as Matilda, Whit Jury ‘23 as Miss Agatha Trunchbull, and Rachel Meehan ‘21 as Miss Honey. There are around thirty total actors in the show, including those in ensemble. 

Actors are excited to enter the musical season. Ana Van Beek ‘21 is especially joyful to be returning to the drama department. 

“I’m excited to be working with all these different people. I think people are really good at playing younger kids, so the dynamic will be great,” said Van Beek.  

For more information, check out the cast list at: