BREAKING NEWS: Valentine’s Day Dance is Back On
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February 12, 2020
This morning at the student senate meeting, the senate almost unanimously voted to cancel the Valentine’s Day Dance. The dance was deemed cancelled, however, it is now back on.
“I have not heard personally from anyone that they wanted the dance reinstated but I know that several people did, and that demand was enough to have it reinstated,” Mira Bohannan Kumar, the student body president, said. “I understand that, because if we had enough demand to know that the dance would be worth it, it would make sense to have it, but we also have some other issues that we have to work out before the dance happens.”
Those issues include finding coat checkers and chaperones for the dance. As of this morning, there were no coat checkers or chaperones, only the student senate advisors and a few administrators.
“If people want the winter dance to go well, we need coat check people, and almost any student can ask their parents to do that,” Bohannan Kumar said.
Complaints were brought to administrators, which has resulted in the reinstating of the dance.
“After thinking about it, we sort of collectively felt that maybe Wednesday was just too soon to make a decision,” Chip Hardesty, a student senate advisor, said.
The dance will be from 7-10 PM on the night of Saturday, February 15.
“When we schedule something, that we follow through, to me, that is very important,” Hardesty said. “Maybe I’m more optimistic than most. I’m cautiously optimistic that we will get enough people. It will be fun.”