Student Senate Recap: Discussion About Electing Class Representatives
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March 5, 2020
Student senate this week revolved around discussing the future of how student senate will be represented. At the beginning of the school year, when the senate made the decision to make homecoming categories gender-neutral, conflict and discussion started surrounding the idea of who gets a say in student senate. Currently, student body president Mira Bohannan Kumar leads student senate meetings and anyone can attend and vote. There have been multiple proposals from both teachers and students to have systems in which representatives from each grade are voted on in order to be in the senate. There are also proposals that support this plan, while still having meetings open to anyone, but only representatives get to vote.
“It’s important that we consider this carefully, and I’m looking for input from a broad base of students,” Bohannan Kumar said. “We have to find a way to allow all students to be represented while preserving the efficacy of the senate.”
A committee was made to formulate multiple solid plans to present to the senate, which will be voted on at a later time. The decision will be made at a later meeting. Anyone interested in being a part of the process to decide how representation will work for student senate can attend student senate meetings and join the committee. Student senate meetings are open to anyone and are on Wednesday mornings at 8:15 am in Mrs. Gibbens’ room.