Ramadan 2021
City High Muslim student discuss the importance and purpose of the Holy Month of Ramadan
“Ramadan 2021” Graphic
May 10, 2021
Ramadan marks the 9th and holiest month of the Islamic calendar that commemorates when Allah (God in Arabic) revealed the first lines of the Holy Quran to Prophet Muhammad. This holiday is celebrated from Monday, April 12 through Wednesday, May 12.
“Ramadan is the most sacred month of the year. During Ramadan, it’s encouraged to help [others] in any way you can whether it’s donating money, your time, or food,” Heibat Ahmed ‘21 said.
During this period, Muslims around the world join in a period abstaining from everyday pleasures such as smoking, gossiping, swearing, sexual activities, fighting, and fasting from sunrise to sunset in order to improve self-discipline and devoting time to pray 5 times a day, spiritual reflection, self-examination, and reciting the Quran.
“During this month you are to refrain from any desires or any other habit you’d like to break. If at any point you give in to these desires, your fast is broken. Fasting is meant to show you what it feels like to be hungry, thirsty and to be thankful for the abundance of food you have [as it is a] luxury many people around the world don’t have,” Ahmed said. “There are exceptions to fasting, women who are breastfeeding and/or pregnant, anyone with an illness, the elderly and the young, those who are traveling, etc. If fasting would end up harming your body you are exempt.”
With COVID-19, large gatherings have been heavily restricted. This includes places such as Mosques and Churches.
“[COVID-19] has definitely limited a ton of things like having iftar in large groups with friends and family,” Ahmed said. “Due to [COVID-19], Muslims in Iowa City can’t get together and pray together. It also limits EID activities like going out to eat and inviting people to eat at your home.”
This year Muslims around the world are continuing to celebrate this Holy Month and rejoice in its purposes.
“Ramadan is like a time of reflection and healing. It teaches and builds self-control and discipline and can also help Muslims build a stronger relationship with Allah,” Ahmed said.