City High Band Marches Home the Victory
After a full competition day, the City High marching band places high in both events
The trombone section of the City High Marching Band prepares to perform.
October 14, 2021
City High’s marching band attended two different competitions on Saturday, October 9, with one in Cedar Rapids and the other in Muscatine. Despite starting at nine in the morning and ending past midnight, the directors report that spirits were high throughout the day.
“[I’m] just very proud of the hard work and the determination to conquer that beast,” Mr. Kowbel, one of City’s band directors, said.
The first competition was in Cedar Rapids at the IHSMA State Marching Band Festival. The band was performing this year’s James Bond themed show entitled “007,” which was placed in the first division at State. Later, the band travelled to Muscatine to be a part of the Muskie Marching Invitational, where the band placed first in the 4A category, and second place overall. An award was also given to the band for the best drumline in 4A.
“I think Saturday was a memory that I will never ever forget because it was just so special,” Mr. Ottmar, the other City High band director, said.
These wins are expected to push the City High band to greater levels and to accomplish more difficult things.
“We’re always looking to push the envelope of what we’re capable of and because we executed well this year, I think that it opens the door to doing harder things in the future,” Kowbel said.