Lexi Gichia
Top Halloween Movies: Perfect Cozy Movies for a Cold Halloween Night
Halloween Town
1998 – Family/Fantasy
Halloweentown is such a classic. I thoroughly enjoyed this from beginning to end. Halloweentown shines a light on creepy and festive traits of Halloween and activities , such as trick-or-treating or baking Halloween cookies, that make it such an enjoyable holiday. Both Halloweentown (1998) and the newer, with a recast for Marnie, Halloweentown (2006) are outstandingly great movies. I personally enjoy the lowkey creepy and highkey comfortable, family halloween movies. They are honestly great to sit back and relax. For people who do NOT like pleasant or calming Halloween movies, this movie is definitely not for you. I rate it a good 10/10.
Monsters’ University
2013 Family/Comedy
Monsters’ University I feel is honestly every young teenager or kid’s treasured Disney movie. I love every version of this movie, and continue to admire them. When halloween comes around, me, a trusty cup of hot chocolate and some good halloween movies, including this one, is what completes the holiday. If someone likes the more horror-like movies, Monsters’ University is not for them, as it is more family friendly. I rate this an 8/10 for a great halloween movie.
2005 – Fantasy/Family
Honestly, an astounding movie. I chose to write a review about this because it shines a light on the actresses’ parts, Tia Mowry and Tamera Mowry, as well as the “magical ” magic and the perfect adventures to magnify the twins, Tia Mowry and Tamera Mowry’s, gifts and challenges to conquer. A great cozy, but jam-packed movie to watch. I rate this a 11/10. I have watched Sister Sister starring Tia and Tamera, and it was honestly amazing. I realized that both Twitches and Sister Sister both highlighted their comical side, while Twitches allowed them to show more “complex roles” with their witchy powers and magical biological family.