IJAG Students Host Sticker Sale
To help raise funds for the IJAG program, as well as raise awareness for mental health and the LGBTQ+ community, IJAG hosts a sticker sale.
Alina Alberhasky ’22 poses with the stickers being sold. City High Student Andrea Lopez was the designer of the sticker on the left.
April 1, 2022
On the first day of April, IJAG hosted its first annual Sticker Sale, to raise funds for the IJAG program. Inspired by a successful sticker sale by the West High IJAG last year, all three schools IJAGS collaborated to create these stickers to be sold.
“This is an opportunity for our students to be able to organize and lead at school. This is our primary way of funding, so this is a big deal for us.¨ 11-12 IJAG Coordinator, Ms. Whitehead said.
Students chose for the stickers being sold to have slogans supporting mental health, and the LGBTQ+ Community. The stickers were designed by all three schools, and through a contest, the final designs were chosen by IJAG students.
“The stickers are helping raise awareness for mental health and LGBTQ, especially with all the recent events with Kim Reynolds and Florida.” Kaitlyn Thompson ‘22 says.
The motivator beyond this sale goes beyond funding a program but funding a community. The IJAG programs help support students in discovering career paths, by talking to employers and learning leadership skills. Available to anyone, IJAG serves as a welcoming space for students, regardless of background.
“I’m a first-generation college student, so IJAG helps me figure out what that takes.” Faith Reynolds ‘22 remarks.
Available at all three lunches, stickers will be sold for two dollars.