Dance Marathon Hosts their Annual Event
Dance Marathon held a 12 hour event to raise money for the University of Iowa Children’s hospital and families with children battling cancer.
City High Dance Marathon members and friends pose at the Dance Marathon event on Saturday April 23rd
April 26, 2022
On Saturday, April 23, this year’s City High Dance Marathon Big Event took place in the new commons space at City High. Candyland theme, student leaders collaborated with local businesses including Molly’s Cupcakes, Dairy Queen, and Sam’s Pizza, which all helped sponsor the event. Taking place from 11 AM to 11 PM, the event was family-centered during the day, with a Mario Kart tournament and speakers, and later focused on dancing during a ”Power Hour” for raising money.
The 2022 City High Dance Marathon had been long in the making, with it being the main event for fundraising. A branch of the University of Iowa Dance Marathon, the City High Dance Marathon club advocates for teenagers to support children with cancer.
“[This is] an opportunity to have some fun and build community, but also give back to the families that are struggling. I have a child that is battling cancer,” Scott Black, a City High science teacher and Dance Marathon co-advisor, shared.
Throughout the year, the Dance Marathon is split into decoration and fundraising committees. The fundraising committee knocks door to door for support, as well as hosting dine-outs at local restaurants. The decoration committee deals with outreach and deciding themes.
Harper O’Brien ‘22 got involved in Dance Marathon at the beginning of her sophomore year, at the invitation of friends and has been a part of the group ever since.
“I understand the importance of helping the community and I just really like helping people,” O’Brien said.
A leader of City High Dance Marathon, Lydia Karr ‘22 has gotten her younger brothers involved as she finishes her senior year.
“Our goal is to give [kids with cancer] a chance to be kids and have an experience outside of just being in the hospital,” Karr said.
The event hosted a Power Hour, where participants danced for an entire hour, a push to raise more money. City High families were invited to speak as participants listened attentively with hands crossed.
“My sister had cancer so it hits closer to home for me,” Jake Roth ‘22 shared.
Roth has been part of the City High Dance Marathon since his freshman year. Roth advocated for the Dance Marathon to be community-centered this year, which stayed true to form as young and old danced at the big event.

Overall, the City High Dance Marathon event raised $4,395. The money will go towards the University of Iowa Dance Marathon’s total donations, and later towards the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital for research as well as emotional and financial support for the families fighting.
“I have friends who have benefited from the generosity of the University’s Dance Marathon programs. To get to work with a mini Dance Marathon group here at City is a really special thing,” Stacie Smith, Dance Marathon’s co-advisor, said.