Teacher Appreciation: Señora Angulo Takes the Boring out of Spanish

Jack Degner

Jack Degner and Sra Angulo get a selfie for Teacher Appreciation Week.

Sra. Angulo is a Spanish 2 and Spanish 3 teacher here at City High, this was her first year teaching Spanish 3 after having only taught Spanish 1 and 2. This was my first in-person Spanish class and I could not have been luckier to have Sra. Angulo as my teacher. 

Sra. Angulo more than anything showed me why we need to learn Spanish and how useful it is. I first started taking Spanish in high school so that I could get into college, but Sra. Angulo has shown me that speaking Spanish is so useful and can have some pretty great benefits! So now instead of thinking about getting done with Spanish, I have been able to think about how I can use this later in my life. 

When I went online last year, like many others, Spanish was one of the classes that I had lost interest in. Online Spanish, like many other classes, was boring and I was just taking it to get done, but this year Sra. Angulo has made Spanish class so fun! I always look forward to going to 6th period Spanish because I know she will stay calm and make sure to answer everyone’s questions until we all understand the lesson.

Sra. Angulo is great about focusing specifically with you on what you want to work on during advisory or during class.  She listens to us and knows that we don’t want to take notes every day. So she has us do fun speaking activities or Gimkit’s because she knows we will be more engaged. 

Thank you for a super fun year Sra. Angulo!

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