Siri Bruhn, Thad Sheldon, and Amy Kahle present in the front of a classroom

Teacher Appreciation: Why We Love Ms.Bruhn and Daily Puzzles

Dear Ms.Bruhn,

You have an incredible gift of making every single student feel welcomed. As soon as you walk in the door, you feel welcomed and truly valued; a feeling that’s rare in high school. When I was in your class, I was able to have a teacher and a friend. Your kind, goofy personality is infectious. I was genuinely excited about coming to class. As someone who has never preferred STEM subjects, your class gave me a new perspective on learning about the natural world. You are an incredible teacher and human. I’ve never met a teacher with your teaching style. Every day I felt like I genuinely left the class with the knowledge I didn’t have before and knowing that I could use it every day. I always looked forward to the daily puzzles and the collaboration that ensued to try and solve said puzzles. I’ll cherish every single class period that I spent in your room. 10th-grade biology will always have a place in my heart.

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