• Teacher Appreciation : Mr. Hagy Brings Music to Life

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Mr. Leman Brings the Smiles to BPA

I’ve never had a class with Mr Leman as a teacher, but I used to sit in on one of his business classes during my open hour. He always treated everyone in that class with kindness and always took the time to get to know each and every one of his students.

I had the privilege of getting to know him by joining BPA, a club that he oversees. Mr Leman always smiles in front of his hallway door and never fails to fist-bump any student who passes his way. His sense of humor and kindness is admirable and he is respected by all of his students. I really hope to have more classes with Mr Leman in the future and I’m glad that I was able to even sit in a class with him. Thank you for your kindness and dedication to your students, we all appreciate you Mr Leman!

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