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Ms. Mueller Makes Learning Magnificent

Niki Conover

Ms. Mueller and I at my 6th grade graduation.

Ms. Mueller was my 6th-grade teacher at Shimek Elementary, which was only my second year in ICCSD. Ms. Mueller is nothing short of the best teacher I have ever had: she knows her students and takes time to connect with them and give them grace. From 6th grade and continuing to today, sophomore year, I have always felt supported by her. 

The year before her class I was struggling in math, so coming into Ms. Mueller’s class I had negative feelings toward math. After we took the placement test that would determine which math you would be in at Southeast, Ms. Mueller, even though I scored just below the mark, gave me the option of going into the higher math. That decision that she gave me affected the rest of my school career. And I have been grateful for her guidance and for giving me that option.

But Ms. Mueller didn’t only have an effect on my life academically. She made sure each student in her class knew she was someone they could rely on, and come to. She made 6th-grade year fun and always took opportunities even on dark days in the winter to lift our spirits. Thanks to Ms. Mueller, in 6th grade, I finally felt comfortable in Iowa City, like I had a community here, like it was my home, and I had support. 

But her support didn’t stop in 6th grade, as my little brothers have moved through Shimek, she has kept in contact. Ms Mueller is always interested in my life and how things are going with me and she makes herself available for help with school whenever I am struggling. Over the years she has even become a friend of my family.

I genuinely have never had a teacher like Ms. Mueller and I am ecstatic that my brothers still have the opportunity to have a teacher as great as her.

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