• Teacher Appreciation : Mr. Hagy Brings Music to Life

  • Shout out to Mr. Sheldon

  • Ms. Brinkmeyer Is A Bright Light At City High

Ms. Brinkmeyer Is A Bright Light At City High

“Flexisched says you are locked in to go to Ms. Brinkmeyer’s room, I can’t request you.” My journalism teacher announced to me from his desk. It had finally happened. After probably 100 emails sent usually 20 minutes before the beginning of advisory with something along the lines of “Hey Ms. Brinkmeyer, I’ll be in Journalism today. Thanks!” she had finally had enough.

I prepared myself for some sort of intervention, or to be told I would never be leaving her advisory again, but that never happened. After sending a meek email asking if this request was purposeful, she responded quickly saying it wasn’t. I took the deepest sigh of relief I could, the weight on my shoulders lifted, and I think a choir of angels started singing.

From what I know about Ms. Brinkmeyer through her being my teacher and coach this year, she is encouraging, kind to all, and as illustrated above, incredibly patient with her students. In her classroom, she motivates and inspires all while keeping a bright, cheery attitude. Where I know her best though is in the music wing, acting, improving, and always saying “yes and…”. This year was my first with the speech team and even though I had been late to audition, she was so enthusiastic that I was interested which in turn made me more excited to join. She was the driving force in making it such a welcoming and fun time even as my stomach was doing backflips before each practice. Thank you to Ms. Brinkmeyer for your dedication to all that you do, and the kindness you show to everyone that you encounter here at City High!

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