Teacher Appreciation: Mrs. Peterson and Groot

Mrs. Peterson: A Gem in the Guidance Office by Wisdom Konu

Mrs. Peterson, to me, is not just a guidance counselor to me but a true friend of a teacher. Since last year, she’s helped in numerous ways and circumstances I’ve found myself in and has remained kind and helpful.

Mrs. Peterson is caring and thoughtful and has made this past year fun as well as bearable. She is so supportive and makes me want to push myself harder to be the star she recognizes me as. Mrs. Peterson, you are a gem that shines as bright as a thousand suns and I am so glad to have such a great counselor and friend. 

Groot: Reliability in Paws by Rose Flores Rubio

Groot can be described as Mrs. Peterson’s loyal furry sidekick. Usually, he roams the halls and classrooms on Thursdays, giving everyone that approaches him a friendly sniff. Groot is arguably one of the most welcoming staff members of City High. 

He is always ready to help students, emotionally, since dogs can’t do math… or science, or read, or write. But regardless of that, Groot lives up to his title of a therapy dog. His tail is never down and he makes sure that students’ moods are up. 

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