10 things girls must have/ do before prom (A female’s perspective)
May 1, 2012
Last year's winner of the Little Hawk Best Prom Photo
For a successful Prom night, follow these guidelines:
Smile: A smile is one of the easiest accessories that you can bring. When you smile it shows that you are confident and makes your date feel at ease. Also try not to fake smile for pictures, I know this is really hard because it seems like your mother is taking a million, but the pictures come out way better if you’re actually having fun with it.
Bobby pins: You never know when you need to pin back a curl, and once you start dancing you are definitely going to want to pin back your sweaty locks.
Please and Thank you: I know your mom and dad taught you this long ago, but us teenagers sometimes forget… There are some key moments for these expressions: Say thank you to your date for picking you up and for buying dinner, say please and thank you to your waiter. (you don’t want them to spit on your food) But, most of all say thank you to your parents, they are probably going to be near-death when they realize how much their little baby has grown!
Time management: Make sure you have PLENTY of time to get ready. The worst feeling is when you are rushed at getting ready; make a list of all the things you have to do. Make sure you put into account driving and if you’re getting your hair done, tell the stylist how long you have.
Boutineer: A funny word for a flower that goes on your date’s tux. You can easily find one at Hyvee. Try and match the color of your dress, and don’t stab your date when put on the tux, you can make mom do it for you (if she’s not too busy crying).
Perfume and Deodrant: As you start to dance your booty off you are going to sweat. It is bound to happen, so slap on some DO. Please, please don’t be the girl that smells.
Heels: Get your ankles prepared for at least an hour of standing in heels. If you are freaking about what kind of shoes you want to wear, don’t wear heels because you will end up taking them off anyway.
Nails: Try to paint your nails in some fashion, or at least stop nibbling on them for one night (or you won’t have room for dinner).Make-up: Please don’t be that girl that looks like a clown. I mean if you are ugly like me, you can always go to any department store and have them do your make-up for you. But don’t drown your face in make-up, If all else fails go by the saying, “Less is more.”Don’t Freak Out: If things aren’t going perfectly, try to relax. Remember that it’s just highschool, and that the world isn’t going to end if your prom night doesn’t go perfectly.
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