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This Varsity Football Player Lost His Senior Season in an Instant

How can we pick ourselves back up when it feels like all hope is lost?
Jeremiah Lowe working on a two-point perspective piece in Black and White drawing after shattering ligaments in his knee, ending his football career
Jeremiah Lowe working on a two-point perspective piece in Black and White drawing after shattering ligaments in his knee, ending his football career
Diego Loria-Eivins

Jeremiah Lowe is a senior at City High and a varsity football player. He’s been playing football since elementary school and had hopes of playing football in college. In an instant, all of that went away. 

During warm ups before a game, an accident with another teammate resulted in Jeremiah shattering key ligaments in his knee. Jeremiah was rushed to the hospital and doctors couldn’t find a pulse in his foot. Amputation was looking like a possibility. 

Luckily for Jeremiah, a pulse was found in his foot but, still he had to deal with the fact his knee was incredibly fragile and finding a way back to football would be near impossible. 

“I was devastated, I mean football is everything I have outside of school. It can take you to a dark place fast when you feel like everything you love is taken away from you so quickly,” Lowe said. 

He leaned on friends to help him get from class to class, carry his backpack, and get lunch for him throughout the day.

“I’m incredibly grateful I have such a good support system going through this, I wouldn’t be able to be at school without the support of my friends,” Lowe said. 

Although his 2023 football season is over, Jeremiah has looked towards other possibilities he can take advantage of during his senior year. 

“I’ve never really been an amazing artist, but ever since the accident I’ve found myself really trying to grow as an artist,” Lowe said. 

Jeremiah enrolled in Black and White drawing, taught by Dan Peterson. So far he’s worked on drawing origami figures with pen and ink, shading cloth using subtractive techniques, drawing large still lifes, and learning to shade realistic eggs.

“I don’t think I’m Da Vinci or anything yet, but it’s been fun to put all my energy I have from football into something else. Art has been a really great way for me to express myself through all of this,” Lowe said. 

Jeremiah plans on doing physical therapy in hopes of running track in the Spring of 2024. Until then, you can find him in art room in the basement of The School That Leads, working on his newest piece. 

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