On Tuesday October 17, 2023 City High Show Choir students were informed by Directors Matthew Walker and Tyler Hagy that the upcoming performance, Works in Progress at West High School, was cancelled.
Works in Progress is an out-of-season show where the Iowa City Community Schools Show Choirs come together to perform for each other. It is a big part of the season to watch the hard work that has been put into practices and choreography camp throughout the past few months.
Unlike other show choir performances, Works in Progress is informal. Costumes are not worn, and, depending on the readiness of the group, songs are played over recorded tracks. This allows the students to be more relaxed and have more enjoyment watching their fellow peers dance.
There were some show choirs that could not participate on Oct. 23 for various reasons, so it has been decided that the three schools will perform for each other in January at Choirs For A Cause, an annual charitable concert.
Though Works in Progress will not happen as it has in the past, City High Show Choir is still considering a performance in Opstad in November. Despite the disappointment about the cancelled show, Iowa City Show Choirs will continue to work hard and prepare for their upcoming performances in the near future.