Prom: The most talked about event of the year is finally here but it can strike fear into those with two left feet. Never fear! Top 10 Classic Prom Dance Moves with lay down a few simple steps to help you navigate the dance floor and have a kick butt time at prom!
1. The grind train: Be careful not to hop on because you may not be able to get off. Get up close and personal with your peers, swap some sweat and have a blast! But let’s try to keep it classy, folks!
2. Louie: Created by our own Little Hawks this dance will be seen all over prom. (If you don’t know how to do it, youtube it)
3. Bernie: This one goes without saying since it’s plastered all over the place, I recommend this move to anyone who isn’t super confident in their dancing abilities!
4. Show Choir moves: Land of My Dreams, anyone?
5. Break Dance: If you have the ability to bust out a head spin, do it! Just make sure you aren’t around a ton of people so no one gets hurt! No one wants a black eye at prom!
6. Interpretive Dance: Kids these days and their hip new dance moves, let the music flow through you and become one with the latest J.Biebs song.
7. Fist Pump: Yeah…people actually do that in real life…
8. Dougie: Again, hit up youtube!
9. The stand there awkwardly and bob your head to the beat: This is a good place to start, you don’t want to get too sweaty too quickly. Slowly ease yourself into the mobs of people dancing, but don’t head bob for too long or you’ll just be that weirdo in the corner.
10. Just let it all out, shake your groove thang. The important thing to remember is that it’ll be dark and late so if anything too embarrassing happens hopefully no one will remember! Good luck and bust a move!