In the library, the printers are continuously outputting posters, consent forms, and tests, while past bookshelves, tables, and librarians’ desks, and study rooms are filled with ongoing experiments with City High students as the participants. The buzz is coming from AP Research students spending the month of January collecting data for the final project they must complete as part of the AP Capstone program at City High.
But what is AP Capstone? City High’s Capstone program is a two-year course that includes AP Seminar, taken by students in their junior year, and AP Research, taken in their senior year. According to the College Board, the program is different from other classes because rather than teaching a specific subject, students are learning skills like analysis, evidence-based argumentation, and presenting.
When Anora Klauke ‘25 asked her 10th-grade English teacher if she could skip AP Seminar and just take AP Research, the answer was a firm “No,” but after being in both classes, Klauke understood why.
“I would say the biggest difference is seminar is teaching you the skills to look at essays and write essays differently than you’re taught in English classes. Seminar is preparing [you with] the skills that you need for AP research. I would say that AP Seminar was harder for me than AP Research, just because you’re unlearning and then relearning.” Klauke said.
But once in AP Research, and the relearning is complete, students have the opportunity to take their learning into their own hands, from choosing a research topic to creating their own proposal and way of collecting data, whether it’s experimentation, content analysis, or another method.
“I think [AP Research] is a lot more intense this year compared to AP Seminar, but that being said, I think it’s a lot more fun having full control of your own schedule, guidelines, and topic.” Eli Foster ‘25 said.
What the students interviewed liked about AP Research and the AP Capstone program is the freedom and independence the class allows its students. Comparatively, AP Capstone is much more freeform than other classes with a set curriculum needing to be followed, while in AP Capstone, students get much more say in their learning experience. This could be in the form of choosing your group’s presentation topic in AP Seminar or choosing your individual year-long topic in AP Research.
“I’m always going to enjoy some part of it. With a class like math, I may get bored of a unit that I don’t enjoy, but with research, because I picked the topic even if we’re doing something difficult like writing our research proposal, it’s always something I’m at least interested in. It makes me want to come to class.” Klauke said.
However, besides what students experience in the AP Capstone class, is what they take away from it. The course teaches students skills that will help them if they choose to pursue higher education, a reason for participating in the program for many students.
“The reason that I joined the AP Capstone program was because of the great opportunities that it gave me to prepare you for college and higher-level learning. Things like the independence students have in the program but also large-effort group projects.” Foster said.
Now, as registration for classes for the 2025-26 school year is ongoing, AP Research students are taking part in the recruitment process for the program. By visiting classes and sharing information about AP Seminar and AP Research, the students and their advisors are aiming high for the number of students they hope will enroll in the program next year.
“One of the main ways that we recruit is the same way I was recruited: we are going around to different 10th-grade classrooms. We’re just giving them a little speech about what the class is and why they should take it. We really emphasize the aspects that we enjoy about it, like the teamwork in seminar and independence in research. I would love to recommend [AP Capstone] to anyone wanting to join; it’s a great grade boost, experience with peers, and a way to be a step ahead in college.” Foster said.