The Student Senate meeting on Tuesday, February 4th, began with a discussion about the Carnival and the prize baskets, which are donated by businesses. It then moved on to a conversation about senior movie night, which will be held in Little Hawk Arena on February 9th, but may be changed to conflicts with the Superbowl. More information can be found on the Class of 2025 Instagram. The movie is Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
“It was pretty cool last year because everybody was bringing blankets and pillows. There’s no seating. Get that out in your advertising,” Adviser Steve Tygrett said. “I don’t really want to sell concessions. We can just make free popcorn.”
After talking about the movie night, the topic of prom was introduced. This year, both Liberty’s and City High’s proms will be held at the Iowa Memorial Union (IMU) on the same night.
“We’re going to have two proms going on at the IMU on the same night,” Tygrett said. “We are definitely going to have to have to be concerned about parking…It’s gonna be kind of a mess.”
Powderbuff volleyball is going to be held on February 28th. Planning for that is led by Mr. Carlson and with members of the student senate.
Due to senior and parent complaints to student senate about yearbook portait policy, rules regarding the photos have been changed. Dogs and props are now allowed in photos, and any updated portraits should be emailed to Mr. Rogers by February 7th.