By Liliana Coehlo and Erin Danielson
Little Hawk Staff Reporters
John Bacon, the current principal of Helen Lemme Elementary school has recently been accepted as the new principal of City High school, pending board approval.
“I think the passion and enthusiasm of Mr.Bacon was good,” Mrs. Gibbins, American Studies teacher said.
Today superintendent Lane Pluggey confirmed that John Bacon will be the new principal of City High upon approval at the next board meeting. He will start the position on July 1st.
The position was available after Principal Mark Hanson resigned earlier this year.
The process started with an advertisement in the paper by the CAO (Central Administration Office). The CAO received seven applicants for the position. There was a group of City High teachers and staff chosen to interview the seven candidates.
Once the questions had been asked and the interviews over, each person on the interview committee ranked the seven candidates. Then they voted individually and as a group and came up with the top two names. They then handed these names over to Mr. Peterson, who was in charge of the committee for final selection by the CAO.