Former University of Iowa Golden Girl Chelsea Russell caps off another exciting Iowa City High pep assembly with a fiery performance.
“She absolutely blew my mind,” Gage Olson ’12 said.
Russell showed off her twirling skills in front of the school with a high flying baton act. The crowd was left in awe when she pulled out not one, not two, but three flaming batons to cap off the jaw-dropping show.
Spring and summer sports participants were honored as well as a few other entertaining acts. The robotics team showed off a frisbee shooting machine that rivaled a couple student frisbee throwers. The senior boys joined the dance team in the ‘Senior Dance’ and pairs competed in a balloon popping contest. The twirling show was followed up by a championship game rematch from the school wide speedball tournament with the champions prevailing. The assembly was capped off with a Harlem Shake attempt.
Former Golden Girl Chelsea Russell Twirls Fire Batons at Pep Rally from Little Hawk on Vimeo.