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The student news site of Iowa City High School

The Little Hawk

The student news site of Iowa City High School

The Little Hawk

The student news site of Iowa City High School

The Little Hawk

Scientists Detect Gravitational Waves

Scientists Detect Gravitational Waves

Zoë Hopewell, Reporter February 11, 2016

A team of physicists announced Thursday that they have detected the sound of two black holes colliding a billion light years away, fulfilling the last part of Einstein’s theory of relativity in its one...

Evidence of a Ninth Planet Found by Researchers

Evidence of a Ninth Planet Found by Researchers

Zoë Hopewell, Reporter January 22, 2016

10 years after the demotion of Pluto to dwarf planet status, evidence of a “Planet X” beyond Neptune may return the solar system to its former size. Evidence of the planet was discovered by Konstantin...

Real Technologies from "The Martian"

Real Technologies from “The Martian”

Zoë Hopewell, Reporter November 3, 2015

The novel, and now movie, “The Martian” has captured many people's imaginations about possible future trips to Mars. The movie depicts many advanced technologies needed to survive on the planet, and...

Water on Mars and a Red Moon

Water on Mars and a Red Moon

Zoë Hopewell, Reporter October 20, 2015

Welcome to Out of this World, a new blog about recent developments in astronomy. The past few weeks have been an exciting time for space, with new discoveries and cool events. The most important recent...

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